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ISSN: 2333-9721




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匹配条件: “Zuria Alonso Ganuza” ,找到相关结果约6520条。
El Delirium. Una revisión orientada a la práctica clínica
Zuria Alonso Ganuza,Miguel ángel González-Torres,Moisés Gaviria
Revista de la Asociación Espa?ola de Neuropsiquiatría , 2012,
Abstract: El delirium es un síndrome clínico que afecta a un importante porcentaje de los pacientes hospitalizados. A pesar de su elevada incidencia, es un síndrome a menudo infradiagnosticado, que implica relevantes consecuencias negativas para los pacientes y profesionales, y además puede prevenirse. Un abordaje inadecuado puede condicionar un peor pronóstico tanto a inmediato como a largo plazo para el paciente, en cuanto a su estado de salud y calidad de vida, así como incrementar los costes sanitarios las causas que pueden desencadenarlo, evitar complicaciones iatrogénicas, garantizar adecuado soporte de hidratación y nutrición, evitar el deterioro funcional, así como educar al paciente y su familia forman parte de los principios generales de su manejo. El objetivo de este artículo, es se alar lo que se considera esencial para el reconocimiento y tratamiento de este síndrome.
A pilot study eliminating immunologically-reactive foods from the diet and its effect on symptomatology and quality of life in persons with chronic migraines and headaches  [PDF]
John E. Lewis, Johanna Lopez, Adam Ganuza, Judi M. Woolger, Lawrence Chen, Angelica B. Melillo, Yaima Alonso, Soyona Rafatjah, Janet Konefal, Amine Sarabia, Susanna M. Leonard, Evan G. Long, Eduard Tiozzo
Open Journal of Internal Medicine (OJIM) , 2013, DOI: 10.4236/ojim.2013.31003

Purpose: Chronic migraines and headaches are significant public health problems, and their symptomatologies have been positively linked to diet. We explored if individuals suffering from chronic migraines/ headaches who required medication treatment had improvement in symptomatology and subjective ratings of QoL when following an immune-reactive food exclusion diet based on the results of the ImmunoBloodprint test, an IgG-mediated food sensitivity assay. Methods: Thirty-seven subjects, aged 18 and over, took part in the study. Subjects had to eliminate all reactive foods from their diet for 90 days. Migraine intensity and frequency were measured using the MTAQ, and QoL was assessed with the SF-36 survey at base- line and 30-, 60-, and 90-day follow-up. Results: Sub- jects who eliminated IgG-mediated reactive foods from their diet had reductions in migraine symptomatology and had improvements in nearly all indicators of QoL, according to the SF-36, from baseline to 90-day follow-up. Conclusions: Subjects were able to improve their migraine symptoms and QoL in response to eliminating IgG reactive foods from the diet. This test may represent a strategy to help mediate chronic migraine symptomatology without the use of medication.

Teorías para la construcción del poder temporal: el papado y la iglesia en el occidente europeo (siglos X-XIII)
Enfoques , 2011,
Abstract: this article will analyze the role of the catholic church as a holder of power in the 10th century, the intimate relationship with the way of construction of political power, allowing its strengthening during a period of territorial fragmentation. the article will follow the interpretation of the interrelation of temporal, spiritual and ecclesiastic power and the networks of power in the french geographical space during the previously mentioned century, with three different historical documents: pseudo-isidore, bernard of clairvaux and giles of rome.
Public policies to achieve the Millennium Development Goals in Latin America
Enrique Ganuza
Medwave , 2010,
El arrendamiento del vino como sistema de recaudación en el Bilbao bajomedieval y moderno (siglos XIV a XVI
Ganuza Arizmendi,Alfonso;
Universum (Talca) , 2007, DOI: 10.4067/S0718-23762007000100008
Abstract: during the low middle ages and modern ages, spanish crown and its councils used the lease of provisions to collect money. in bilbao, the local and foreign win rents allowed to the council to relieve economic critical situations. besides, these lease contracts have allowed us to know bilbao viticulture aspects
La participación en la sociología: elementos para una praxis sociológica
Ernesto Ganuza Fernández
Política y Sociedad , 2007, DOI: -
Abstract: The contemporary sociology has renewed the mainstream of sociology. Almost every book of referente in the field of sociology written the last twenty five years has interpreted and changed the core elements to talk about society and social relations. For this respect, it has been stressed the importance of reflexive agents and contingent conditions to explain sociological matters, so it has lowered the importance of structural features. The new scenario opened by sociological theory, even with its differences and contradictions, does not seem to have reached the empirical sociology, where we can still find the image of an agent far away of reflexive references. The propose of the paper is to bring the discussion to empirical field to evaluate the contributions made by participatory methodologies about this issue.
El arrendamiento del vino como sistema de recaudación en el Bilbao bajomedieval y moderno (siglos XIV a XVI
Alfonso Ganuza Arizmendi
Universum : Revista de Humanidades y Ciencias Sociales , 2007,
Abstract: Durante la baja Edad Media y la Edad Moderna, la Corona espa ola y sus Ayuntamientos utilizaron el arrendamiento de los abastecimientos para recaudar dinero. En Bilbao, las rentas del vino, local y foráneo, permitió a su Consistorio aliviar situaciones económicas críticas. Además, estos contratos de arrendamiento nos han permitido conocer facetas de la vitivinicultura bilbaína During the low Middle Ages and Modern Ages, spanish Crown and its councils used the lease of provisions to collect money. In Bilbao, the local and foreign win rents allowed to the Council to relieve economic critical situations. Besides, these lease contracts have allowed us to know Bilbao viticulture aspects
Gasto público en servicios sociales básicos: la situación regional
Enrique Ganuza,Arturo León,Pablo Sauma
Papeles de población , 2000,
Abstract: En este ensayo se analiza el gasto social -conceptualizado desde la perspectiva del desarrollo humano sostenible, que lo considera como una inversión- que realizan 13 países de la región de América Latina y el Caribe, en el marco de la llamada Iniciativa 20/20, adoptada en la Cumbre Mundial para el Desarrollo Social, celebrada en Copenhague en 1995, la cual sostiene que es posible alcanzar la cobertura universal de los servicios sociales básicos en los países en desarrollo, si éstos destinaran 20 por ciento de sus presupuestos públicos y los países desarrollados otro 20 por ciento de la asistencia oficial para el desarrollo de los servicios sociales básicos. Los rubros que se analizan son el gasto público social total, el gasto en servicios sociales básicos, algunos elementos relacionados con las propuestas de reasignación de recursos para alcanzar las metas propuestas en la materia y el papel de la asistencia oficial para el desarrollo.
Depredación de nidos artificiales en cercas vivas de un sistema agro-urbano en Hidalgo, México
Cervantes-Cornihs,Elizabeth; Zuria,Iriana; Castellanos,Ignacio;
Interciencia , 2009,
Abstract: in many agro-ecosystems of latin america, hedgerows are an important habitat for numerous bird species. however, the hedgerow characteristics and those of the surrounding landscape affecting nest predation in these structures are not known. using artificial nests, predation was studied in 20 hedgerows located in an agro-urban system in central mexico. predation data was related with habitat variables at two spatial scales, local and landscape. out of a total of 200 artificial nests put in place, 80 nests were predated and no significant relationship was found between total predation and local scale variables. at the landscape scale, total predation increased in hedgerows located near remnants of native vegetation. it was also found that birds were the main predators in this landscape, followed by carnivores and rodents.
Ovarian Teratoma. A Case Presentation Teratoma de ovario. Presentación de un caso
Yarisdey Corrales Hernández,Zuria Elisa Ayala Reina
MediSur , 2012,
Abstract: Increased ovarian volume is a frequent feature in gynecological conditions. We present the case of a 29 years old patient who attended the Dr. Gustavo Aldereguía Lima General University Hospital of Cienfuegos referring abdominal pain. Physical and ultrasonographic examinations were performed. The patient was diagnosed with an ovarian-dependent mass. Laparotomy was performed as well as resection of the left ovarian teratoma. The histopathological study confirmed the left ovarian teratoma diagnose. El aumento de volumen de los ovarios es frecuente en las afecciones ginecológicas. Se presenta el caso de una paciente de 29 a os de edad, que acudió al Hospital General Universitario Dr. Gustavo Aldereguía Lima, de Cienfuegos, refiriendo dolor abdominal. Se realizó examen físico y ultrasonográfico mediante los que se le diagnosticó una masa en ovario. Se practicó laparotomía y se resecó un teratoma del ovario izquierdo. En el estudio anatomopatológico se comprobó el diagnóstico de teratoma de ovario.

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